Deprogram Stages: Pinky & The Brain Plus, a Happy Moment of Mom’s

My mother, 90, takes off the wig. This guy, her oncologist, was the real brain. She had to deprogram when more years of life beckoned.

Remember the cartoon, Pinky And The Brain? The Brain plans to take over the world, and Pinky gets yelled at for making comments about what’s real, what doesn’t make sense. Pinky was always right in the end.

I took the above photo about a year after my mother finished chemo for non-hodgekins lymphoma. She is this doctor’s most elderly cured case. She was considered cured, not in remission, he explained later, because she lived so many years after finishing the eight rounds of chemo. He taught her how to high five. We were all walking on air.

She had to learn that she’s going to live, to recover from the exhaustion of the treatment, and work to regain her strength. She deprogrammed from the period of cancer treatment.

I have started to identify possible stages of deprogramming that these teens/young adults appear to go through when they end their period of cross-sex ideation. Shame on the entire field of psychology for dropping the ball on this.

  1. Rage The rage is often expressed towards those who do not deserve it, who were right about biology and the sexed body. This rage will include irrational, contradictory verbal communication, accusations and various unrelated “whataboutism.” Remember, this cult has force-teamed with minority rights, and the virtue signaling has been intense.
  2. Doubt The doubt was always there, on the back burner, but the cult rites and rituals kept the lid on them. Self-isolating appears to be common. Shifting back and forth between transitioning/detransitioning can develop into an unhealthy pattern. The influences from those who hang onto their new identities from friend groups can be quite problematic.
  3. Desire to Self-Distract, in a Healthy Way Thoughts of other interests and old, shunned friends, the desire for normalcy, calm, comfort appear to surface. The cult rituals have become predictable and boring. The narcissism of other cult members is beginning to wear thin.
  4. Movement Away from Members & Organizers Sometimes young adult de-transitioners literally move away and relocate. The difficulty here is the bullying cult members engage in, their accusations and repeated “truths”, the loneliness of finding new friend groups in the face of rejection and suppression of the deprogramming individual’s understandings and feelings. At first they do not want to appear to reject those who are “true” but then shift to wanting to operate in different lanes and avoid the questions, because they know there are always doubts. The doubts never went away, no matter how much effort was put into the other identity. It was exhausting. (hence, my thoughts about my mother’s chemo)

Let me know how this reads, if you are parents of ROGD teens. If you followed the affirmation path, you will have to face the fact that you made a mistake, and forgive yourself. There is danger of more real suicidal ideation, as the teen/young adult realizes how much danger he/she put himself in, what the family has gone through, and how hard it is to move forward after months or years of identifying as the opposite sex. This happens with those who’ve identified for 6 months, or those who are de-transitioning after 15 years. This is what dozens of de-transitioners have said publicly.

Disclaimer: I am a well-trained special educator. If your child is truly suicidal, you must take steps to prevent him/her from self-harm. There are no good studies to confirm what I have stated above, and this is based on my observations of footage of many, many interviews.

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