Data on Trans Widows’ Experiences After a Husband’s Revelation or her Discovery~

Here is the write up of the most recent data on women who got out of a marriage/relationship with a man after his intense cross-sex ideation escalated.

Please do copy and share this with any woman who has gone through this. My data demonstrates how demoralizing it is. I just heard about a trans widow “who accepts” it all–her only objection, now that she’s remarried and believes the children are “adjusted” is that he insists the children he fathered call him a “Mama-Something” name and continues to insist on “sharing” Mother’s Day. I heard this third hand, and I suspect this woman has many other experiences she feels unable to speak of.

Link to my video read of it, with data listed below:

20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow   May 23, 2024     ~60 women~

  1. Was his crossdressing a revelation or your discovery? 

Revelation: 30       Discovery: 22     A few unknown, info from interviews

2. Did he then tell you it is under control, not frequent, and then it escalated out of control?   

Yes: 31           Those who said they left immediately don’t know.    

3. Did he select a therapist? Did that therapist or he claim the marriage is now a “lesbian relationship?” 

Yes: 15       (25%, 1/4)          

4. Did he put money in a secret account or other venue and spend it on wardrobe, make-up, electrolysis, etc? Did he incur credit card debt for this spending? 

Yes: 24           Some not sure. 

5. Did he wear your clothing or make-up?

Yes: 27   (whether secretly or not)

6. Did he suggest/coerce/cajole you into “sex role play” whereby you are to use a “strap on” or other sex toy and play a “male” part in bed?      

Yes: 21          (does not mean she did it)                                                 

7. Did a therapist suggest any of the above as in #6? I am combining the answers of these two in the data but it’s important for data to know whether mental health professionals were participating in this sexual harassment.   

Yes: 6    (many did not consult therapist)    

8. Did he defame/vilify you in affidavits submitted to court in the divorce/custody process or defame/vilify you on social  media? Please, if both happened, do indicate. 

Yes: 28  (almost half, some do not know b/c geography + no contact)

9. Did he claim to any therapist or a group of friends that you abused him verbally or physically?    

Yes: 15  

10. Did he attack you physically? Please indicate whether it was choking, shoving, punching, etc and if there were any bruises, scars and evidence. Also if the police were called. 

Yes: 18    (3-4 choked and police called, no charges)

11. Did he force unwanted sex with you? Did that happen more than once? Were the police called, were any charges filed? 

Yes: 24          (1 case of rape where police summoned, said they “did not have enough evidence to charge, despite DNA and witnesses) 

12. Did you live below the poverty line or require governmental or family financial assistance at any time after the end of the relationship? Were you unable to leave because of money? 

Yes: 24         (even if the assistance protected status in middle class) 

13. Did any members of the clergy (priests, rabbis, ministers) suggest that you have to give in to his requests to keep your family/marriage together?    

Yes: 6              

14. Did anyone, therapist, friend, husband, or family suggest you now are obligated to “share Mother’s Day?” Did teachers prompt the child(ren) to start making 2 Mother’s Day gifts?

Yes: 5

15. In your own individual therapy, or in the process of interviewing a therapist for yourself, did any mental health professionals tell you that he’s to be referred to as female, with female pronouns in therapy supposedly centered around your recovery?   

Yes: 9                                    

16. Did you lose a set of friends after he came out or after the relationship ended? 

Yes: 27

17. Did he start self-identifying as “mother” of the children he fathered or was step-father of?     

Yes: 16       

18. Did he suggest/insist that the children call him “Mama-Something” or some other similar version of Mum?

Yes: 12

19. Did a therapist or husband or any friends/relatives tell you that your rejection of and ending the relationship “caused him to decide to live as a female full-time?”

Yes: 6

20. Did he co-opt your experience of childbirth, using the details of your labor to convince new friends of his “female status” and role as “mother?”

Yes: 6   (some don’t know) en’s experiences after a husband has entered cross-sex ideation intensely. Link to the video:

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